Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Though church steeples dot the 
horizon of this once missionary 
sending nation, Scotland is 
now officially an unreached 
people group with less than 
3% in church attendance.
“Pray all the time...Plead with him... keep praying earnestly for all Christians everywhere.” 
--Ephesians 6:18 (TLB) 

Hey Friends… By the time you receive this post-card we will be on our way to Scotland! Please pray for our July weeks of ministry!  
· Week 6—Ministry in Glasgow
· Week 7—Ministry in Glasgow
· Week 9—Ministry in Dunoon
· Week 9—Debriefing in London
· Week 10—Final Debriefing & Departure Home & REST!

There is a great need for missions work in Scotland today. The church in Scotland is no longer able to reach its own people with the gospel. Pray for the effective re-evangelization of Scotland. Pray for our church partners, for our team unity, spiritual growth, physical strength, safety in travel, wisdom and guidance, faith and courage in sharing the good news of Jesus, and changed lives in our outreach & service! 

After traveling on last years team, Jenni and the kids are excited to go again this year!  Our kids enjoyed participating in the Vacation Bible School last year and met some fun Scottish friends.  We stay in a very diverse community in Glasgow, and really enjoy learning about the immigrant cultures as well. Living out of duffle bags in Sunday school rooms - it's all worth it when we get to see God at work! 

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