"Then he [Jesus] said to his disciples. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38
I confess! I love my job!
This summer, 53 students and staff left family and familiarity to embark on a 5 to 6 week, life-changing journey to central Illinois, Northern Ireland and England. Though I have been in missions now for 10 years, I never tire of:
* Seeing the raw faith and enthusiasm of young people on the mission field
* Helping them grow in truth and deeping their calling through Gods word
* Giving them opportunities to live out their faith through actively reaching others for Christ
One of my most encouraging times of the year is to read about “changed-lives” in the student reports from my team. Here are a few quotes I wanted to share with you:
“I have had the time of my life on Royal Servants this summer. From the teachings we received, to learning about God in our Quiet times to the many successes our team experienced in planting so many seeds in peoples’ hearts. I stopped worrying about rejection and I saw that God was faithful. Learning to have faith in God has been a huge step forward in my walk with him and I couldn’t have learned it in such a powerful and permanent way without having dedicated this past 5 weeks to a Royal Servants mission trip!” Ashley Shellenberger
“The theme of this summer for me was, “Learning to live and serve fully for others benefit and completely for God’s glory.” God helped me to see that I can’t do it all and that he uses each member of the body of Christ. I learned to love and appreciate the body of Christ so much more through seeing God work through others on this trip. He has developed in me an ever more selfless attitude in leading others to glorify Him. It has been a great summer and a brilliant first step into foreign missions.” Andrew Zulker
“This summer has impacted me in so many ways. But now that the mission trip is over, that doesn’t mean that the ministry or the growing stops. I plan to continue memorizing scripture, and re-igniting my youth group with a passion for Christ. I am going to live out my faith boldly and have Christ be at the center of everything I do!” Kaila Yim
“My mission trip with Royal Servants to Ireland and England has opened my eyes so much to the world’s need for Christ. I am so grateful to God for all the many blessings we received, and for the people we planted seeds in and led to Christ. This summer has been the most impacting and amazing summer of my life!” Austin Carlin
Now many students like Ashley, Andrew, Kaila and Austin are back home actively involved in ministry through their local church and reaching others for Christ in their own schools and communities. Our desire is to see these disciples sent out into his harvest fields, whether in their own communities or around the world. Please pray!
And now, thanks to you. We could not be in this ministry without the encouragement of praying friends and praying financial partners. We are grateful.
Matt & Jenni
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