“Good Christian men, rejoice,
with heart and soul and voice;
Now ye hear of endless bliss:
Joy! Joy!
Jesus Christ was born for this!
He has opened the heavenly door,
and man is blest forevermore.
Christ was born for this!
Christ was born for this!”
We trust and pray that you are have had a blessed 2009! Here are a few Halseth family highlights of 2009:
Joshua is two, and charms all our hearts. Every day he has a new word. He loves to run, skip and jump. Trains are his favorite toy and he loves to read his books. Joshua is SO cute when he gets a cookie and he calls them “kikies.” Mommy remains amazed by how fast two year olds can transition from giggles to tears to giggles!
Abby is five and her sweet nurturing personality is a treasure. She loves to mother whoever lets her and always has at least one baby doll with her. Abby enjoys attending pre-school two days a week, and is VERY disappointed if she has to miss church, “My friends will miss me Mom!” she says. Abby played on Nathan’s soccer team, but she had more fun holding hands with her friend on the soccer field - rather then trying to score a goal! J
Nathan is seven and in first grade. This is the first year he rides the bus and he attends school all day every day. At first he thought it was too much work and not enough play! Academics seem to come fairly easily to Nathan. He is very verbal and loves to read. Nathan particularly likes to play with light sabers. He LOVED soccer this summer and just started basketball.
Matt continues to love working with students and leading mission teams. His team in 2010 will be going to Sierra Leone! He also enjoys his men's Bible study. This fall Matt built the best kids tree house ever out of scrap lumber from Grandpa Halseth.
Jenni still enjoys leading a Mom’s Bible study and had an awesome time going to the “Hearts at Home” conference in Nov. We all had fun in August camping on the North Shore and at Bear Head State Park.
Our most exciting news is that we have begun the process to adopt an Ethiopian baby girl. We hope to be able to bring her home by the end of 2010!
Praying your Christmas shines brightly with many of His blessings!
Love, The Halseth Family