Preparing for Royal Servants Mission Teams—2010
By Matt Halseth
In our 4 years leading mission teams with Royal Servants, I have completed different levels of training. My experience level has now reached the point of being able to pursue a wide variety of team locations. This is very exciting!
Next summer, I will be leading a missions team to Sierra Leone, Africa! Sierra Leone is located in West Africa and has huge physical and spiritual needs. About 70% of the people are Muslim and it is the 7th poorest country in the world (out of 194 countries). We are honored and humbled to be able to minister to those in deep spiritual and physical poverty.
Though Jenni and I have been to Africa several times, Sierra Leone will be a place that holds new challenges, and tons of awesome ministry opportunities! This February, I’m planning to take a research/vision trip to Sierra Leone in order to secure the team ministry and logistical details. Please pray for us as we recruit a team of students/ staff and prepare for this new exciting location!